Process safety risk, cyber security risk and societal risk
How does societal risk influence cyber security design and risk estimation for OT functions of a production facility Source: Process safety risk, cyber security risk and societal risk
How does societal risk influence cyber security design and risk estimation for OT functions of a production facility Source: Process safety risk, cyber security risk and societal risk
Eine zunehmende Vernetzung und Digitalisierung in der industriellen Fertigung führt zu einer wachsenden IT-Abhängigkeit und erhöht das Risiko für Cyber-Angriffe. Read more on Schutz gegen Cyberattacken – 8 Experten über IT-Security in der Produktion at Digital Manufacturing.
How secure are the smart systems in our homes? How can we ensure that tomorrow’s digital solutions in the logistics, automotive and healthcare industries are secure from cyber attacks? The TÜV Rheinland’s “Cybersecurity Trends 2020” report takes another look at the security risks of the digital transformation, with a particular focus […]
Editor’s Note : Over the next several weeks, we’re sharing excerpts from the newly released second edition of our popular book, “ The Threat Intelligence Handbook: Moving Toward a Security Intelligence Program .” Here, we’re looking at chapter two, “The Threat Intelligence Lifecycle.” To read the full chapter, download your […]
MSPs & MSSPs must navigate numerous cybersecurity terms & technologies. Here are some key definitions & decision points to consider, according to Netsurion. Source: SOC-as-a-Service, MDR, and Managed SIEM. What’s the Difference?
Why is one of the biggest problems in cybersecurity also one that CISOs largely ignore? Here are three reasons and a road map to a modern approach. Source: Patch Management: How to Prioritize an Underserved Vulnerability
Buildings will account for 81% of all connected things in 2020, ushering in a new era of smart office buildings, schools, hospitals and more that will improve efficiencies for building management and provide a more comfortable experience for occupants. Source: 2020 is prime for a global building cybersecurity standard
Read Michal Pěchouček’s article on challenges faced by the artificial intelligence on Tech Radar : The AI arms race is on, and it’s a cat and mouse game we see every day in our threat intelligence work. As new technology evolves, our lives become more convenient, but cybercriminals see new […]
We need greater focus on standardization for building cybersecurity, with a framework emerging as a leading guide for securing a building’s OT system. Source: 2020 is prime for a global building cybersecurity standard – Help Net Security
The U.S. Justice Department this month offered a $5 million bounty for information leading to the arrest and conviction of a Russian man indicted for allegedly orchestrating a vast, international cybercrime network that called itself “ Evil Corp ” and stole roughly $100 million from businesses and consumers. Source: Inside […]
In der chemischen Industrie sind Produktionsanlagen bis hin zu einzelnen Pumpen, Ventilen und Antrieben zunehmend von Computersystemen abhängig. Damit steigt auch die Gefahr von Hackerangriffen – mit potenziell drastischen Folgen für die Anlagensicherheit. Viele Unternehmen sind noch nicht auf die wachsende Bedrohung vorbereitet. Read more on OT-Cybersecurity und Risikomanagement in […]
Angesichts der zunehmenden Verschmelzung von Informationstechnologie und Automatisierungstechnik oder Prozessleittechnik sehen sich viele Industrieunternehmen mit einer veränderten Bedrohungslage konfrontiert. Weil immer mehr Bestandteile der IT in den Bereich der Operational Technology (OT) integriert werden, nimmt die Gefahr von Cyberangriffen auf Produktionsanlagen und kritische Infrastrukturen zu. Read more on Abwehr von […]
Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the hottest topics in the IT sector and is now ranked third among German companies in the Priority list – trumped only by cloud computing and cybersecurity. Companies expect AI to increase efficiency and are therefore assessing its use in various fields of application. AI systems […]
Despite all the warnings, cybercrime has long been seen as a pure IT issue rather than a business risk. It took the effects of the NotPetya attack in 2017 to change this view, as several large companies reported high losses. According to reports, the attack cost transport giants Maersk and FedEx, […]
Acht Prognosen zu Cybersecurity und Datenschutz von weltweit führenden TÜV Rheinland-Experten / Gewinner und Verlierer in einer zunehmend digitalen Welt. Read more on TÜV Rheinland Cybersecurity Trends 2019.
Angesichts der zunehmenden Konvergenz von Informationstechnologie und Automatisierungstechnik bzw. Prozessleittechnik sehen sich viele Industrieunternehmen mit einer veränderten Bedrohungslage konfrontiert. Weil immer mehr IT in den Bereich der Operational Technology (OT) integriert wird, nimmt die Gefahr von Cyber-Angriffen auf Produktionsanlangen und kritische Infrastrukturen zu. Read more on Threat Management in industriellen Umgebungen […]
Managed Security Services (MSS) sind konkret defi nierte IT-Services, die ein Dienstleister für seinen Auftraggeber erbringt. Der Artikel erläutert in einer Kurzeinführung die wichtigsten Aspekte, die Banken und Sparkassen über Managed Security Services wissen sollten. Außerdem: Tipps für die Auswahl des Dienstleisters. Read more on Handlungsfähig bleiben dank Managed Security […]
Datenschutz und Informationssicherheit in der Praxis. – Das Praxishandbuch liefert das Wissen und die Werkzeuge für Aufbau, Zertifizierung und Betrieb eines Information-Security-Managementsystems. Read more on Information Security Management at TÜV Media GmbH
Der Vortrag eröffnet eine etwas andere Sichtweise auf Cyber Security und dessen Relation zu Informationssicherheit und IT-Sicherheit. Von der Entstehung des Begriffs Cyber hin zur Entwicklung zu Cyber-Everything werden die Strategien und die Praxis eines holistischen Ansatzes in der Cyber Security betrachtet. Präsentation und Vortragsvideo: Cyber Risk, Cyber Security – Cyber […]
Mittlerweile ist das Thema in den Chefetagen der Unternehmen angekommen: Die digitale Transformation und die zunehmende Konvergenz von Technologien erfordern neue Konzepte in Informationstechnologie und Cyber-Sicherheit. In Zeiten, in denen Unternehmen, ihre Partner und Kunden immer enger vernetzt sind, gewinnt Cyber Security zur Sicherung der Unternehmenswerte und zur Steigerung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit […]
Freitag, 12. Mai 2017, 8 Uhr morgens: Vergangene Woche traf ein, was viele Sicherheitsexperten befürchtet und immer wieder prophezeit haben. Innerhalb kürzester Zeit wurden in über 100 Ländern hunderttausende von Rechnern durch die Ransomware WannaCrypt infiziert. Betroffen von der Cyberattacke waren auch kritische Infrastrukturen – unter anderem befinden sich KRITIS-Organisationen aus […]
IOTA, the eighth largest blockchain in the world and one built specifically to power the internet-of-things economy, launched a data marketplace today, in partnership with over 20 large organizations around the world, including Microsoft, Bosch, Samsung, and Fujitsu. Source: IOTA launches IoT data marketplace, envisions devices autonomously buying and trading […]
The primary strengths of security operations centers (SOCs) are flexibility and adaptability, while their biggest weakness is lack of visibility. Survey results indicate a need for more automation across the prevention, detection and response functions. Source: Future SOC: SANS 2017 Security Operations Center Survey
In an era of constant likes and shares, where is the privacy line drawn? Are you someone who worries about being watched as you purchase an item online? Or do you consider loss of privacy the price you pay for having the world at your fingertips. Source: What privacy profile […]
Today’s security teams are flooded with multiple feeds of information and analytical methods. In parallel, attackers make use of various vulnerabilities and continuously target critical business services, infrastructure and employees. In order to accomplish and manage appropriate protection, security and IT operations must work closely together. However, many have a […]
The aim of the report is to raise awareness for the most impactful market advances, by shortly identifying the most significant cyber insurance developments for the past four years – during 2012 to 2016 – and to capture the good practices and challenges during the early stages of the cyber […]
According to the Burning Glass report titled Job Market Intelligence: Cybersecurity Jobs, 2015 , 5% of all cybersecurity job postings are for a job title of Security Architect. Unfortunately, the industry is still unclear as to exactly what an IT Security Architect is. Source: What is a cybersecurity architect and […]
Its 2016, and the attacks (and attackers) continue to be more brazen than ever.. In this threat landscape, the use of cyber threat intelligence (CTI) is becoming more important to IT security and response teams than ever before.. Source: The SANS State of Cyber Threat Intelligence Survey: CTI Important and […]
Most industries are under regulatory pressure, so they take a compliance-driven approach to security to meet minimum requirements.. But compliance requirements are often static and prescriptive, according to security executives.. Source: A Risk-Driven Approach to Security, From Check Boxes to Risk Management Frameworks
According to a recent survey conducted by Forrester, an independent research firm, 97% of respondents prioritize digital innovation and Cybersecurity in 2015. In a way this comes at no surprise to the readership of this blog as the spike of cyber incidents at major retailers in 2014 and 2015 showed […]
Die zunehmende Konvergenz von Informationstechnologie und Automatisierungstechnik bzw. Prozesstechnik resultiert in einer veränderten Bedrohungslage, wodurch der Schutz von Produktionsanlangen und kritischen Infrastrukturen vor Cyber-Angriffen an Bedeutung gewinnt. Diese Entwicklung nimmt auch auf traditionelle Security-Service-Provider Einfluss. Industrial Ethernet Journal in Heft I-2014: Wolfgang Kiener-Industrial Ethernet Journal Published in Industrial Ethernet Journal – […]
Read more at University of Applied Sciences Colognes: Bachelor-Thesis